Rusty Blade [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Chi]

Tel + Tam + Hin + Chi

Rusty Blade [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Chi]
 IMDB Rating:

5.9/10 from 66 votesIMDb




Action Crime Drama

 Directed by:

Huyi Sun Xiaobai Song




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: A man who just wanted to make his home a little better was forced into a killing because of a knife in his hand and a little greed in his heart. As men often say, “the bowl of rice is on the edge of the knife, and you can’t put it down when you pick it up”! After the slaughter, what followed was endless slaughter. Even after ten years of atonement, he still couldn’t escape the sword. In desperation, the man had to dig out the rusted knife that had been buried long ago, and face the darkness that covered the sky brought by the wild sand alone. It is also as the woman said, “The knife is an accident, and the evil karma created will be carried for a lifetime”! This is a real story without a trace of romance, only the coldness of the sky, the wind and the smell of blood!
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